

Release Date: April 16, 2010
Genre: Documentary
Director: Thomas Balmes
Writer: Thomas Balmes
Studio: Focus Features

Everybody loves... BABIES. This visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world - from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, BABIES joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.

We propose an interesting discussion: how much do we have from culture? how much do we have from our own individuality? how much do we owe to our parents? The eternal debate is now, thanks to this documentary, again open and live, but it can be traced back, in fact, to Aristotle, who defended that Man is a social being...and continued with Hobbes' (XVIIth c.) and his revival of Plauto's (III B.C.) Homo Homini Lupus est (Man is a wolf for man)...opposed to Seneca's Homo sacra res homini (Man is sacred for man...)
Check this trailer and the one of ENTRELOBOS, and tell us what you think!


  1. I think culture is very important in a baby's development. Of course it isnt't the only influence in the way the baby will be, but it's really important.

    In my opinion, everybody was born with a genetic makeup which defines what we could be or we are going to be; but our culture is going to improve or diminish every characteristic that this genetic makeup includes, which is helping to build our personality... skins...

    I agree with Aristotle. I think Man is a social being. Language, social skins, customs, etc., are handed down from generation to generation and define our origins.

    Ana Eva

  2. First, I have to admit that I've not watched the film, neither "babies", nor "Between wolves". But I think the topic is very interesting, and today, with the neurology and genetics development, we can approach the subject with more scientific rigor. The last year I read an article which say that we only are the 25% of what we inherited genetically. In my opinion, we are beginning to accept scientifically our social human condition. I believe that we are what we learn, copy and experience, although each of us brings in our inner and certain skills; that 25%... Maybe like the Chomsky Generative Grammar, we have a common sistem, with a 25% of particularities for each one, and then we are forming our identity with what we copy and process throughout our lives; more exactly what our neurons perceive.

    In this case, I often think about the informations that generates our dreams and illusions, because these also are interpreted in our brains,
    as... real and vivid images?

    Alberto Gorritiberea

  3. Good argument on how science meets culture, thanks!
